Gouden Tips home

Free Software

kubuntu edgy
linux mint

Gratis Linux Ubuntu very popular
Gratis Linux Mint very popular
Distrowatch.org Best place to choose your Linux flavour
dedicated Linux distributions en Live CD's, mini distro's, zelfs op een enkele floppy
Free Browsers:
Firefox Fast and safe browser
Opera Fast and light browser
Webmasters choice:
10 Antivirus Tips (Dutch)
10 Antispam Tips (Dutch)
Thunderbird E-mail program, better than outlook
Openoffice Gratis Open source Office suite (ook in Nederlands)
Zone Alarm #1 Free firewall
Ccleaner Ccleaner
Wordpress Free publishing software for websites, blogs and mobile

Free Courses / Gratis opleidingen:

Open Courseware from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Gratis cursusnetwerk o.a. firefox, linux, thunderbird, zoeken en verdienen
Gratis Studiemateriaal van de open Universiteit oa Programmeren en Duurzame ontwikkeling

leejoo.nl tools gratis tools
Completelyfreesoftware.com much choice and reviews!
hotscripts.com pay-, share- and freeware
cnet Cnet reviews, pay-, share- and freeware
Gimp open source grafisch programma